Virtual Games
Your borough. Your sport. Your passion.
London Youth Games are putting young disabled Londoners at the heart of competition, empowering them to set, film, complete and share challenges as part of the LYG Virtual Inclusive Games.
The LYG Virtual Inclusive Games will run for eight weeks, with three challenges released each week. All the challenges will be set by young disabled athletes and will come with suggested adaptations to ensure as many young Londoners as possible can get involved.
The LYG Virtual Inclusive Games are open to all young Londoners. To participate, simply complete the challenges and submit your scores via our website to earn points for your borough.
Challenges will be released every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9.00am. You will have until Monday at 12.00pm to complete the challenges and submit your scores.
Individual prizes are also up for grabs. Share videos of your challenge attempts on social media using #ThisIsLYG to be in with a chance of winning the weekly MVP award and some Nike swag.

Week One
How many times can you pass the ball around your body in 30 seconds?
You will receive 1 point for every full rotation. If you don’t have a basketball you can use any other type of ball or soft object. You can complete the challenge seated or standing. Try passing the ball around your head and then your waist or just around your head. You can use a smaller ball to make the challenge slightly easier. Download the challenge sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Freya's dribbling challenge
Freya from the london titans
How many times can you catch a tennis ball while dribbling with your dominant hand in 30 seconds?
You will receive 1 point each time you catch the tennis ball. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a basketball, you can use any other type of ball that bounces. Instead of a tennis ball, you can use any small ball or soft object. You can do this seated or standing. To adapt the difficulty you can increase the size of the ball you are catching or try using a balloon instead. Download the challenge sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Three point shootout challenge
Cameron from Southwark
How many shots can you get in from 3 attempts?
You will receive 1 point for each successful shot you complete. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a basketball, get creative and use a different type of ball, a bottle, a pair of rolled up socks or even a toilet roll. Instead of a net, you could use a bin, a bucket or any other household object. You can do this challenge seated or standing. You can set the distance and height of your target based on your ability. Download the challenge sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Week Two
Wall Ball challenge
London Wayfarers Flyerz
How many times can you pass a ball against a wall in 30 seconds?
You will receive 1 point each time the ball touches the wall. This challenge can be done indoors of outdoors, seated or standing. If you don’t have a hockey stick, get creative and try using a racquet, broom, umbrella or any other type of stick. You can also throw the ball using your hands or kick the ball with your feet. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Zig Zag Shuttles challenge
London Wayfarers Flyerz
How many Zig Zag Shuttles can you do in 30 seconds?
You will need to mark out a line about 10 metres long, with a cone placed every 1.5 to 2 metres. Starting at one end, weave the ball (and your feet) around each cone, until you reach the top, then turn and run back in a straight line. You will receive 1 point for each Zig Zag Shuttle you complete. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. Instead of dribbling the ball, you can run or walk the course without a stick or ball. You can also complete the course in a wheelchair. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
V Drags challenge
London Wayfarers Flyerz
How many V Drags can you do in 30 seconds?
You will need to place 3 items on the floor in a triangle shape about 3 metres apart. Starting in the centre, move to the left and back, and then to the right and back. You will receive 1 point for each V Drag you complete. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. You can complete the V Drags without a ball. Run, walk or roll instead, touching each cone when you reach it. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Week Three
How many times can you hit the ball up in 60 seconds?
You will receive 1 point each time you hit the ball. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a bat, you can use a frying pan, a book, or any other object with a flat surface. If you don’t have a ball, try using a balloon, a pair of rolled up socks, or scrunched up paper. You can complete the challenge seated or standing. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
How many times can you land an object into the target in six attempts?
You will receive 1 point for each successful attempt. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a ball, you can use a toilet roll, a pair of rolled up socks, or any other soft object. You can use a bag, bin, basket, or any other household object as your target. You can complete this challenge seated or standing. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Sarankan from Redbridge
How many times can you catch the ball in 30 seconds?
You will receive 1 point each time you catch the ball. This challenge can be completed indoors or outdoors. You can do it seated or standing. If you don’t have a ball, you can use any other soft object. To make the challenge more difficult, try catching one handed. You can also try throwing the ball harder or from different angles. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Week Four
Passing challenge
Luca from Hammersmith & Fulham
How many passes can you complete in 20 seconds?
You will receive 1 point each time you complete a pass. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a partner then you can pass the ball against a wall. If you don’t have a football, you can use any other type of ball. Instead of kicking the ball, you can use your hands. You could do a football style throw in or a double-handed underarm pass. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Shooting challenge
Soman from Redbridge
How many points can you score from 10 shots?
You will need to set out a goal with 3 scoring zones. Zone 1 in the middle, Zone 2 either side and Zone 3 in the corners. You have 10 attempts to try to score as many points as possible. You will receive 1 point for hitting Zone 1, 2 points for hitting Zone 2 and 3 points for hitting Zone 3. You can do this challenge indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a football, you can use any other ball. You can do this challenge seated or standing. You can score points by throwing the ball instead of kicking it. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Dribbling challenge
Tobi From Hammersmith & Fulham
How many times can you dribble around the markers in 20 seconds?
You will receive 5 points every time you go round one of the markers. If the ball touches one of the markers you lose 2 points. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. You can complete the challenge in a wheelchair. You will receive points for the number of markers you can go round while keep a ball on your lap. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Week Five
Passing Accuracy Challenge
Jack Pearce From the England Visually Impaired Rugby Team
How many points can you score in 3 attempts.
You will receive 5 points if you land the ball into the target, 3 points if you hit the rim of the target and 1 point for hitting the bottom of the target. This challenge ca be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a rugby ball, you can use any other type of ball or sift object. You can use a bin, basket or any other object as your target. You can complete this challenge seated or standing. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Grubber Kick Challenge
Lucas From The Harlequins Foundation
How many tries can you score in 30 seconds?
You will receive 5 points every time you chase the ball and place it down between the cones. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a rugby ball, you can use any other type of ball or soft object. If you are unable to kick the ball, try using a closed fist to hit the ball instead, making contact in the area between your thumb and forefinger. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Spread Your Wings Challenge
Joe Coyd From The England Wheelchair Rugby League Team
How many times can you pass the ball in 60 seconds?
You will receive 1 point each time you pass the ball from one hand to the other. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a rugby ball, you can use any other type of ball or soft object, You can complete this challenge seated or standing. If you are struggling to grip a rugby ball then use a smaller ball or a water bottle. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Week Six
Tap Up challenge
Lily and Ewan
How many times can you tap the ball up in 60 seconds?
You will receive 1 point each time you tap the ball. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a tennis racket or a ball, try using a frying pan and a pair of rolled up socks. You can do this challenge seated or standing. Try holding the racket with both hands or using a bigger ball to make the challenge slightly easier. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Table Tennis Serving Challenge
Kiran From Redbridge
How many times can you serve the ball in 60 seconds?
You will receive 1 point each time you serve the ball. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. You can use any type of ball. If you don’t have a bat, you can try using a book or any other object with a flat surface. You can do this challenge seated or standing. You may need a partner to help retrieve the balls for you. If the challenge is too difficult then you can bounce the ball before you serve. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Target Volley Challenge
Jack from Croydon
How many times can you volley a ball into a box in 10 attempts?
You will receive 1 point for each ball that lands in the box. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. You can use any type of ball. If you don’t have a tennis racket, you can try using a frying pan, a book, or any other object with a flat surface. If you don’t have something suitable to hit the ball with then you can throw the ball instead. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Week Seven
Basket Serving challenge
Louella from Kingston
How many points can you score in 10 attempts?
You will receive 1 point if the ball hits the target and 2 points if the ball lands in the target. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a volleyball you can use any other type of ball or soft object. You can use a basket, a bin or a flowerpot as your target. You can complete this challenge seated or standing. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Spot on target challenge
Aalia from Kingston
How many times can you hit a target on the wall in 60 seconds?
You will receive 1 point every time the ball hits the target. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a volleyball you can use any other type of ball or soft object. You can create a target by sticking something to the wall. You can complete this challenge seated or standing. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Serve It Up challenge
Patience from Kingston
How many targets can you hit from 6 serves?
You will receive 1 point for every serve that goes over the net and another point each time you hit a target. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. If you don’t have a volleyball you can use any other type of ball or soft object. You can use any household objects as your targets. If you don’t have a net, try using a piece of string or another object that you can hit the ball over. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Week Eight
50m shuttle sprint challenge
Paralympic and World Champion Sophie Hahn
How quickly can you complete a 50m shuttle sprint?
To get started, place 2 markers on the floor 5 metres apart. You will then need to time how quickly you can run between the markers 10 times to complete the 50m distance. You can complete this challenge at a pace that suits you. You can do it running, walking, in a wheelchair, or with assistance. Just remember to have fun and do your best! Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Target Throw challenge
Amalia from Wandsworth
How many objects can you land in the target from 5 attempts?
You will receive 1 point for each object that lands in the target. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. You can use any type of ball or soft object. You can use a box, bin, washing basket or hoola hoop as your target. You can complete this challenge seated or standing. To make the challenge easier use a bigger target or object. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Speed Bounce challenge
Oscar from Kingston
How many Speed Bounces can you do in 30 seconds?
You will receive 1 point for each bounce. You can do this challenge indoors or outdoors. You can use any household object to jump over such as a pillow, a rolled-up towel or a line on the floor. If you have restricted mobility try using a smaller object or a line on the floor to jump over. You could also try doing a side step instead of jumping. If you are using a wheelchair, see how many times you can alternately touch two objects or lines placed either side of your front wheels. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Super Slalom challenge
Alex from Lewisham
How many slalom runs can you complete in 60 seconds?
You must weave in and out of the objects and back to the start. Each end of the course reached equals 1 point. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. You can use any household objects as your markers. You can complete this challenge at a pace that suits you. You can do it running, walking, in a wheelchair, or with assistance. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Standing Long Jump Challenge
Soman From Redbridge
How far can you jump from a standing position?
Place a marker on the floor. Stand beside the marker and jump as far as you can! Your score is the distance jumped from the start to landing position. This challenge can be done indoors or outdoors. Athletes can use the equipment they usually would for athletics. If you are using a wheelchair, record how far you can travel with one push of your wheels from the starting point. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Week Nine
Cricket challenge
Oaklands School in Tower Hamlets
How many times can you bowl the ball into the target area? You have 10 attempts to bowl a ball, overarm or underarm, into a target area whilst trying to hit the stumps.
Each time the ball lands in the target area you get 1 point. Each time the ball hits the stumps you receive an additional 1 point. The maximum points that can be scored from one attempt is 2 points. The maximum points you can score overall is 20 points. Add up your points and submit your scores after 10 attempts. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Week Ten
Basketball challenge
How long does it take you to complete one of the challenge variations?
Complete five shuttle runs whilst dribbling the ball between two markers or see how long it takes you to complete five shots whilst dribbling around the different cones after each successful shot. You can use any type of ball for this challenge as long as it bounces. For the shooting variation, you can use a mark on the wall if you don’t have a basketball hoop. Download the Challenge Sheet for suggested adaptations and coaching tips.
Latest standings
Position | Borough |
1 | Bromley |
2 | Kensington & Chelsea |
3 | Haringey |
3 | Havering |
5 | Richmond |
6 | Redbridge |
7 | Wandsworth |
8 | Barking & Dagenham |
9 | Ealing |
10 | Sutton |
11 | Camden |
11 | City of London |
13 | Brent |
13 | Harrow |
13 | Hounslow |
16 | Lewisham |
17 | Lambeth |
17 | Merton |
19 | Hillingdon |
20 | Barnet |
20 | Southwark |
20 | Westminster |
23 | Kingston |
24 | Hammersmith & Fulham |
24 | Hackney |
26 | Enfield |
26 | Croydon |
28 | Waltham Forest |



