Rules and Regulations: New Age Kurling (Schools)

Last updated: November 27, 2024

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Full Rules & Regulations

 NAK 1 The School Games New Age Kurling competition will follow the rules stated below.

 NAK 1.1 It will be at the sole discretion of the Competition Director and London Youth Games as to the application of these rules, and any subsequent decision made as a result will be final.

NAK 1.2 The Tournament Organisers reserve the rights to alter or amend the playing schedule if necessary and make decisions on any matters arising during the tournament, including any matters not covered by the tournament regulations.

NAK 2 Age Category

NAK 2.1 The following age groups and respective maximum and minimum date of births will apply to the London Youth Games New Age Kurling Competition:

Age Category Oldest DOB Youngest DOB Likely School Year
7 – 9 years old 01/09/2015 31/08/2017 Year 3 – 4


NAK 2.2 50% of your competitors should have an identified additional need or disability. Please refer to the London Youth Games impairment grid for guidance, as below:

Group Impairment Descriptor
G1. Wheelchair User Power chair or manual wheelchair user
G2. Ambulant -Standing with 4 limbs affected

-Standing with 1 or 2 lower limbs affected

-Standing with 1 or 2 upper limbs affected.

G3A. Sensory-Hearing Impairment Anyone with a hearing impairment that requires them to wear a hearing aid or implant.





G3B. Sensory-Visual Impairment Anyone with a visual impairment which impacts their daily lives.  This does not include simply wearing glasses or contact lenses.


G4. Severe Learning Disability Anyone who has severe difficulties with pattern recognition, sequencing and memory, as well as having slower reaction time. They are likely to need support in communicating their needs and understanding abstract or complex ideas. This category includes, Level 3 autism.
G5. Mild Learning Disability Anyone who has mild difficulties with pattern recognition, sequencing and memory. They may need some support to understand abstract or complex ideas This category includes high level 2 autism.


NAK 2.3 It is the responsibility of parents/teachers/SGOs to ensure all details are entered correctly at the time of submission, and that they are eligible to compete.

NAK 2.3.1 In the instance a competitor is found to be ineligible, the school will be disqualified from the competition.

NAK 3 Squad Size Schools are permitted to enter a minimum of 4 competitors and a maximum of 6 competitors.

NAK 3.1 Teams must play with a minimum of 1 female,

NAK 4 Kit & Equipment New Age Kurling stones (standard or superior) will be provided. The game is played down half a length of a badminton court (approx. 6 metres).


NAK 5 Competition Format Round robin groups of 3 – 4 teams drawn randomly. The winners of each group and the best runners up will progress to the knockout (8 teams). If time permits, additional friendly matches will be offered.

NAK 5.1 Each player delivers stones corresponding to their team colour, red or blue, towards the target at the opposite end of the court.

NAK 5.2 Each game consists of four ends.

NAK 5.3 An end is completed when all eight stones have been played.

NAK 5.4 A team score one point for each stone that is closer to the centre than any opposition stone.

NAK 5.5 The team with the highest total score wins.

NAK 6 Competition Rules

NAK 6.1 Once it has been decided who will go first in the first end, the players will alternate at the start of each subsequent end. During an end all players will take it in turns to deliver their stones until all stones have been played.

NAK 6.2 The stones may be played by use of a pusher, by hand or by use of a ramp. Any form of pusher may be used but must not exceed 125cm in length when fully extended. Ramps can be used to assist the delivery of the stone for participants who are unable to push the stone unaided.

NAK 6.3 The target has concentric circles in red, white and blue – this is the scoring zone. The outer white sections of the target are included in the scoring zone.

NAK 6.4 Teams must have 4 different players to push each stone in an end.

NAK 6.5 Team Managers can make up to 2 substitutions per match after the completion of an end, substitutions cannot be made for a tie break.

NAK 7 Overall Scoring Points will be awarded for each game to give a school’s overall group position.

NAK 7.1 The following points will be awarded:

  • 3 points for a win
  • 1 points for a draw
  • 0 points for a loss

NAK 7.1.1 Group positions are ranked on:

  • Most games won
  • Highest points (team stones for)
  • Points difference (teams stones for minus other teams’ stones against)


NAK 8 Medals & Salvers Medals and salver will be awarded as follows:

NAK 8.1 Medals awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places teams with salver presented to the winners of the competition.