How to Compete – Open Games


Open Games

London Youth Games’ Open Games is Europe’s largest community youth sporting competition.

The London Youth Games Open Games brings together young Londoners from all backgrounds to compete in 27 sports – more than the Winter Olympics and Paralympics!

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Who can join?

Open to young people living or attending school in any of London’s 32 boroughs and the City of London, with Borough Teams organised locally.

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When are the events?

Events run from November to July, culminating in a celebratory Finals Festival in July.

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Exciting Trophies and Awards

Compete for the Jubilee Trophy, Most Improved Borough Award, and the ParaGames Trophy for inclusive sports excellence.

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How can you get involved?

Borough Team Organisers enable the young people to take part. Scroll down for more info.

How to Compete


Your local Borough Team Organiser (BTO) is responsible for selecting the participants to take part in the Games for each Borough. Use the Drop Down search function below to discover who your local BTO is.


Send them an email with your age, sport you're interested in, and your contact details.


Your local BTO will get back to you with information on upcoming events.


If selected, you will get the chance to train and/or compete with your borough team. You can then get ready for your London Youth Games experience!


If you want to find out more, follow us on Instagram at @LdnYouthGames and on LinkedIn - plus get the latest info on our Open Games Events page


After competing, check out the Photo Gallery to see if you're featured.

Frequently asked questions

If you’ve got any questions about London Youth Games, please take a look through our most Frequently Asked Questions. 




Different Sports

What our OPEN GAMES competitors say

It’s a chance to represent your community and meet with other people you wouldn't usually see. it's a really good activity to do, and you make lots of friends as well
Noah Newham
Noah Newham
Judo Participant
It’s just amazing to come to the London Youth Games and fully represent where you live and shed light upon your area. It feels sensational
Alex Sutton
Alex Sutton
Cross Country Participant

Contact your borough
for More information and how to enter

Type your borough

Kensington and Chelsea

Isabelle Stanley


Mikael Kiviniemi


Greenwich contact


Active Enfield Team

* Some Boroughs will not have a Borough contact. In that case you will be getting in touch with LYG directly 

young people took part in London Youth Games Finals and Qualifier events this year.


of London Youth Games participants are inspired to continue with their sport(s).

0 %

of London Youth Games participants enjoy exercising or playing sports, compared to 44% of similar aged Londoners.

0 %

young disabled Londoners took part last year


female participants took part last year

0 %
black basketball player and white basketball player

Finals Festival

For the first time in 2023, to celebrate our season, we delivered the Finals Festival; with the assistance of public, private, third and community sector organisations and volunteers, at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, which was a resounding success.

Youngsters from every London borough assembled, showcasing their talents, forging new friendships, and engaging in thrilling competitions held in world-class Olympic Park venues.

We ran a festival outside the Copper Box Arena, complementing the competitions taking place across the venues.