New Vacancy: LYG33 Chair & Leadership Team

Apply for an exciting volunteer role in the world’s largest city-focused Youth Games
We are delighted to announce we are opening applications for a new LYG33 Leadership Team for the 2024 season! You could play an important role in creating life changing opportunities for young Londoners through leading on an area of LYG to ensure young people’s voices are listened to and actioned. You will gain invaluable experience and develop your skills in leading a group, collaborative teamwork, and effective communication.
Roles available:
• Chairperson
• Vice-Chair
• Marketing Lead
• Events & Experience Lead
• Workforce Lead
• Sports Lead (Inclusion)
• Sports Lead (Underrepresented)
• Sports Lead (Impact)
If selected, you will attend multiple fun, engaging and developmental sessions across the season with a mixture of in person and online events. These will include exclusive experiences, inspirational speakers, interactive workshops and sessions to have your input on the future of LYG. In the past cohorts, the LYG33 group have had personalised tours of BBC Sport Studios, Wimbledon, met professional athletes, spoke on stage at LYG Finals Festival and delivered exciting projects tackling mental health, equal gender access in sport and the cost-of-living crisis.
Why be part of the LYG33 Leadership Team?
• Lead on representing the voice of young Londoners and shape the future of London Youth Games in an area you are passionate about.
• Gain direct mentorship from LYG staff who will support your development.
• Develop personal capability and gain real life leadership experience to help achieve your future ambitions.
• Get access to exclusive experiences and opportunities.
• Meet new people and broaden your network.
Roles & Responsibilities
• Identifying and implementing opportunities to enhance youth voice representation in your area through working with your designated staff member and mentor.
• Leading Team Members to represent the youth voice and help shape the future of London Youth Games.
• Work collaboratively with other LYG33 Leadership Team members to support Team Members, identify methods to maximise the impact of LYG33 and plan and deliver meetings and events.
• Supporting the planning and delivery of meetings and events.
Skills Required
• Passionate about youth voice representation and using the power of sport to create life changing opportunities for all young Londoners.
• Ability to communicate effectively with teammates.
• Ability to organise yourself and manage time effectively.
• Proactive in your approach.
Eligibility Criteria
• You must be 14 – 24 years old as of 25th October 2023 (or 18-24 for Chairperson).
• Live or attend education in a London Borough.
• Must be able to attend all event dates stated above.
• Have not been on LYG33 for more than 1 season previously (no more than 2 seasons for Chair or Vice-Chair).
For more information, including how to apply, please go to the LYG33 webpage here:
Interviews for Chairperson and Vice-Chair will be held on Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th October 2023.