LYG Cancel The Rest Of 2020 Season To Protect Health, Safety And Well-Being Of Young Londoners

With regret, the London Youth Games have decided to cancel the remainder of their 2020 season due to the current Covid-19 outbreak.
As we have highlighted in our communications so far, the safety, well-being and good health of our young people, volunteers and partners is our priority at London Youth Games.
Following discussions with our partners we have taken the following hugely difficult decisions:
We will be cancelling the rest of our Open Games events in the 2020 season. It is clear with sports facilities closed, schools closed and a very unpredictable few months ahead that we should give every member of the London Youth Games family time to focus on their health and well-being.
All School Games events will be cancelled up until the new academic year. This has been a decision taken in partnership with the London Organising Committee. We will play a coordinating and supporting role with the London Organising Committee and work with the School Games Organiser network in London to create and promote complimentary activities for young people to do in their homes.
To support the young people of London, we will play our part by creating digital content and online competitions to assist young Londoners in remaining fit, active and enjoying physical activity even if it is in the home. We have seen the positive impact that Joe Wicks has had on young people already through You Tube, so we look forward to complementing the opportunities that already exist.
Although a small team we are preparing ourselves to play a big role in galvanising London’s young people back into sport. Together with our partners Sport England, Nike, the GLA, London Sport and our incredible 33 Boroughs we will be ready to put sport back on the map for young Londoners when the time is right.
LYG CEO Andy Dalby-Welsh said “Cancelling our season for the first time in our 42-year history is not a decision we have taken lightly. However, we would like to thank our partners for their support and understanding. This decision enables us to work on resources that can help young people at this current time. We will continue collaborating with our partners ensuring that as soon as possible we can provide brilliant sporting experiences and life changing moments for the young people of London.”